Ever since the release of Red Dead Redemption 2 in tardily 2018, storytelling in video games has never been and will never exist the same. Its deadening-burn down style is perfect for a compelling narrative that is deeply emotional and filled with complex characters. The world-edifice, long journey and deep dive into the psyche of flawed humans made the entire experience relatable in many means and altogether memorable.

Once a force to be reckoned with, the Van der Linde Gang, led by Dutch Van der Linde suffered a tragic fate, both past the irresolute of times in the wild wild w and their own dangerous ambitions. In all the chaos and misfortunes, these are the 10 biggest tragedies that shook the gang to extinction.

10 Blackwater Massacre

Peradventure the most scandalous shootout in the earth of Red Dead Redemption, the Blackwater Heist is a complete misfire and became one of the gang's biggest tragedies. This robbery-turned-massacre saw a big number of casualties from all parties involved. Occurring in a dumbo city, this incident is also widely known for the killing of an innocent adult female named Heidi McCourt who was shot expressionless by Dutch.

The event is all the same clothed with mystery, as it was never formally shown in whatever cutscene nor included in whatsoever playable mission. This dangerous job was perpetrated by Dutch himself with the full back up of an unhinged newcomer Micah Bell. This job pushed through without senior members Arthur Morgan and Hosea Matthews. The massive mix-up didn't only do desperately for Dutch's crew just for all outlaws, as it marked the showtime of a more civilized America.

9 The Assertion Of Micah Bell

For Micah Bell to be a part of the same crew as Arthur Morgan and John Marston is a very important piece of the fact that the gang has jumped into a suicide mission. It was a bright idea by Rockstar to add a mission that forces the thespian to break Micah out of prison. This, in turn, illustrates an infuriating truth -- that the main hero committed ane of the biggest mistakes.

Micah escalated a feud with several gang members, ignited Dutch's insanity and delusions and ultimately betrayed the gang for his own gain. Letting Micah into the gang is one of Dutch's lowest points. Disregarding Arthur and Hosea just to have Micah ascend through the ranks is merely the nail in the coffin.

8 Keeping The Feud With O'Driscolls

Van der Linde'due south rivalry with the O'Driscoll boys heightened when Dutch himself shot Colm O'Driscoll'southward blood brother dead and Colm killed Dutch'southward lover Annabelle in return. As they striking back and forth, Van der Linde stole O'Driscoll'south program to rob a wealthy Tycoon Leviticus Cornwall in a time where they need the least corporeality of attending from the law. Ultimately, it put Arthur Morgan's life in complete danger after existence captured later on.

The feud is deemed almost unnecessary due to the heat they accumulate after the Blackwater heist. Ignoring the O'Driscolls and focusing on how they'll get out of the sight of the police force could accept fabricated the gang's life meliorate.

seven Targeting Leviticus Cornwall

When you have a big price on your head, targeting a powerful businessman isn't a practiced thought. With many opportunities to score money on discreet and small jobs, Dutch opted for the big score. His ego got the best of him trying to prove that he is still the big-shot outlaw that he used to be.

Van der Linde and Cornwall will cross paths numerous times through the story -- enraging the tycoon even further. His expiry at the hands of Dutch didn't end the issue, only rather escalated it, putting the Pinkertons closer to their tracks than ever before. This was a careless move by the gang that cached them further into the ground.

6 Meddling With Grays And Braithwaites

The events leading up to the massacre at the Braithwaite Estate are every bit messy equally they could have been. Van der Linde playing both the Braithwaites and the Grays is a clever idea until information technology backfired. Meddling with Rhodes' police enforcement and sabotaging Catherine's businesses went back to haunt the gang.

The ambush that killed Sean McGuire, the abduction of Jack Marston and the killing of Braithwaites and Grays are all exact opposites of what should take happened to achieve their desired freedom. A plan that is genius if properly executed is a deadly plan if things go sideways.

five Biting Angelo Bronte'due south Trap

Sticking up their noses at the Grays and Braithwaites turns out to exist much worse for Arthur and the gang, as it led them to Italian crimelord, Angelo Bronte. Drastic for a score, Dutch accepts Bronte's atomic number 82 for a job, despite all suspicions. It turned out to be a trap that led to another unnecessary run into with the police force that pushed the gang further abroad from liberation.

Dutch'southward ruthless decimation of Bronte is but another pace upwardly to his growing insanity. Merely like the deaths of their former foes, the greenhorn's expiry was more of a burden than a articulate solution.

4 Hosea Matthew's Death

Taking a chance at one concluding big score, the robbery at Lemoyne National Bank went horribly wrong for the gang. The heist plan was accounted 'well-thought-out', which was the case at the offset of the burglary until the Pinkertons came. Holding Hosea as a hostage, Agent Milton knew that a deal wouldn't be reached, so he shot Matthews dead correct in front of the gang.

Hosea's death is pivotal to Dutch's ascent into madness. Information technology marks the biggest failure in the gang's history since the Blackwater heist. Along with Matthews, young Lenny was as well killed in the incident, while John Marston got arrested. With several key members ending up in Guarma in the succeeding events, the gang was in consummate disarray and the future was uncertain every bit one can imagine.

3 Wapiti Rebellion

A archetype Dutch 'and so full of himself', Van der Linde unnecessarily dipped his feet in the growing dispute between the U.s.a. Army and the Wapiti Indians. This whole chapter but showed the darkest side of Dutch, as he took advantage of Eagle Flies' naivete and his willingness to give upwards his morals to achieve what he wants.

In what should have been a plan to divert attention abroad from the gang, the rebellion proved to be the final wake up telephone call for Arthur that Dutch is irredeemable. Leaving Arthur to die and merely thinking for himself, Dutch selfishly put an cease to a life-long alliance that Arthur invested in.

ii Real Redemption

At its very core, Red Dead Redemption 2 is all about Arthur Morgan'due south redemption arc from a ruthless criminal to a fully realized homo. The end of his story was peachy for him, as he was able to exercise good, help those in need and salvage others who can nonetheless be saved.

In his turning indicate, Arthur's rejection of cruelty battled Dutch and Micah's growing wickedness. He did what is right at the expense of Van der Linde's foundation. Our hero's vindication is the gang'southward complete downfall. This tragedy is imminent and Arthur is not to be blamed, at all.

i American Venom

"Revenge is a fool's game" is ane of the game's well-nigh famous quotes. Rockstar pulled off a double-edged sword in the game's final mission. While it is one of the well-nigh fun missions in the unabridged story, information technology's too one of the biggest reasons why our protagonists tin can't get away from catastrophe.

Hunting down Micah in the mountains is as sick as it tin can go. But in the end, it'southward just some other misstep for Marston, as Micah'southward decease led him back to the Pinkertons' sight which was a whole new tragedy that witnessed the end of each gang fellow member, Marston himself included.

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